02 20 05 405 W, 1 I - + 165 - 130


There is an old saying; "Preach constantly - when necessary - use words."
Well, the same may be said about dog training: "Train constantly - when necessary - use words."

Little Cha Cha has been with us almost a week now. With the exception of Friday when Cha Cha was dropped off with the nice ladies at Mesa Veterinary Hospital, she has been with me constantly. And in the past few days, we have been training constantly ... and with very few words.

Cha Cha has spent a great deal of time travelling about in her kennel in the F350 and the Expedition. She knows that when she enters the kennel, she gets a nifty cheese treat. She also knows that she gets to go to fun places when I put her in the kennel. And starting last night, she learned that the kennel is her bedroom. In short, she has learned that kennels are pretty spiffy places for a puppy.

Cha Cha has learned that I am reliable in feeding her, watering her, and airing her. I have not yet had to discipline her other than with my voice. But, she is learning to trust, rely, and depend upon me.

Cha Cha has learned that I will not carry her up or down stairs - even when she whines in her most pathetic voice. Similarly, Cha Cha has learned when we go on walks that it is up to her to find a way through the rocks, branches, or other obstacles - I will not carry her. In short, Cha Cha is learning self reliance.

Through the time we have spent together, I have learned that:

When Cha Cha starts running around and barking like a spaz, I have about 2 minutes to get her outside.
Cha Cha is most energetic about an hour after she wakes in the morning, and when I start working on her obedience, this may be the optimal time.
Cha Cha gets whiny and cranky when she is tired and wants to go to bed for the night.

The only words that we have been using consistently with Cha Cha - are those associated with her name. And over the past few days, I believe she is beginning to associate the words "Cha Cha" with her self.

Tomorrow, we'll start introducing some new words to her vocabulary.

The saying is from St. Francis of Assisi who loved animals as his brothers and sisters. Cha-Cha is so sweet. I am blessed to have aquired her sister, Dora. Another bright, eager puppy. Dora will be staying with Kristie Wilder to train.
Sue Schwab (Email) - 21 02 05 - 05:34

OK Sue, show us the love! We want to see some Dora pictures!

Ted (Email) - 21 02 05 - 06:03

Sue has lots of pictures of Dora “behind bars” at training… Will have to add to the jailbreak section. :P
Kristie Wilder (Email) - 21 02 05 - 10:42

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