02 14 05 356 W, 10 I - + 161 - 128


Shirley "Cha Cha" Muldowney

Stephanie and Little Cha Cha

Early this morning, Kristie sent us Cha Cha’s flight schedule. According to the itinerary, Cha Cha was to arrive at 7:20 pm at the Delta Cargo Area.

Stephanie and I rushed to the airport, wanting to make sure that Cha Cha did not have to wait at the airport any longer than necessary, given that she had already been in the plane for four hours. We arrived at the Delta Cargo counter.

Behind the counter, below eye level, was a woman who was clearly unhappy that we had disrupted her telephone call with a friend. Heaven forbid that she should be courteous, or even helpful. After we provided her with the demanded ID number, she told us that it would take another 20 minutes for the cargo department to transfer Cha Cha from the plane and then transport her to the cargo area.

Finally, the truck arrived. A crate appeared. We looked into the crate to see if anyone was inside.

Cha Cha continued to sleep on Stephanie’s lap on the drive home. About ten minutes from home, Cha Cha began to howl. I looked for an exit, pulled over, as her howls intensified. We found a slot of grass by a Motel Six. She squatted. Back into the car. As we pulled in the driveway, more howls. Out of the car, onto the front yard. She squatted. Alright!

Into the house, where Cha Cha

Got her photo taken with Stephanie

Chased the cats around the house

Learned all about her namesake, Shirley "Cha Cha" Muldowney

Played with Stephanie's Shopping Sack

Then crashed.

More adventures tomorrow

Guess what she’ll need to do when she wakes up ;-) Dang she’s a little cutie. I hope she becomes the FC/AFC she should with her pedigree and owner.
Howard Niemi (Email) - 14 02 05 - 22:48

Looks like she suffered no ill-effects from the trip! You must have some cool cats to put up with all these pups. Makes me want to go home and play with Sammy.
Tina (Email) - 15 02 05 - 08:38

I am here to say hello and you have a great site!
calvin (Email) (URL) - 30 04 06 - 04:42

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