02 18 05 157 W, 1 I - + 174 - 150


For better or worse, my eyes are pretty light insensitive. That is, bright sunlight doesn't bother my eyes. However, I know that UV rays can really damage your eyes. So, I wear sunglasses even when I don't think I need to do so.

I really like the Maui Jims with the rose tint, because I find it provides as light a tint as is available on the market. So, I wear them when I am just standing aroung at a Field Trial. I typically don't wear any sunglasses when I run my dogs, because I think my depth perception is better without them ... and because binoculars are difficult enough to use when you don't have sunglasses. But, if the position of the sun is an issue, or there is glare on the water ... out come the Maui Jims.

Very lightweight, very comfortable, great polarization.

Find them at MAUI JIM

I like this site!
laurette (Email) (URL) - 30 04 06 - 05:20

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