03 09 05 193 W, 4 I - + 133 - 105


Cha Cha has been getting pretty reliable at short marks in cover. So I have decided to stretch her out a bit.

This mark is handthrown about 50-60 yards down a long hillside. The slope allows Cha Cha to see the bumper as it hits the ground, but disappears when she begins running downhill. It re-appears when she reaches the area of the fall. As you can see, it is a long way for a little puppy.

This particular mark requires that Cha Cha cross a concrete walk - a prelude to her running across a ditch or road as a big dog.

Cha Cha is doing well on these marks.

I think before too long I will need to enlist Stephanie to throw marks for us.

One interesting note. Cha Cha likes to sit and watch the bumper fly through the air. When it hits the ground and bounces, she runs like a banshee.

Very cool!!! How long were her longest marks? Looks like about 50 yards in the pictures??
Kristie Wilder (Email) - 09 03 05 - 17:12


I think the marks were 50-60 yards in length. I can throw the heavy plastic bumpers with a good rope a loooonnnggg way.

Cha Cha sits and watches until they bounce off the ground
Ted (Email) - 10 03 05 - 06:12

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