03 11 05 159 W, 1 I - + 114 - 144


Tim West mentioned in a comment to my post on the Green Monster Whistle that the Fox 40 and the Green Monster can damage your hearing. Actually, over time any whistle can do so - as can the shooting of shotguns or primer pistols in the field. For years, I have worn ear plugs in training and in competition when running my dogs and ear muffs when shooting in the field. However, I do not like how either the muffs or the plugs deaden every day conversation when training.

This Christmas, my lovely wife purchased me a pair of Peltor tactical muffs. They have a mechanism which allows everyday conversation, but shuts sound off when a loud noise - such as a whistle or a shot - is identified. I love mine and recommend them highly, if you are looking for ear protection.

They are available at Cabelas for $129.99. Cabelas - Peltor Tactical 7
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