03 16 05 347 W, 4 I - + 117 - 135


I firmly believe that the foundation of a field trial dog is its sit. I have a more detailed discussion of why sit is so important in the Field Trial Thoughts Section of the Freeridin News. That article is entitled "Sit Means Sit" and has also been published in Retrievers Online.

Because I believe the sit is so fundamental to retriever training, I have been working diligently on Cha Cha's sit from the beginning.

Now, I am working to drive it in deep.

On our daily walks, I will say "sit", make Cha Cha sit and then walk away. I make her sit for about 30 seconds, then return to reward her with a cookie.

Sometimes, I break up the pattern by making her sit

and instead of returning to her, I say "here" and she comes racing to me.

By not getting into a pattern, I am also forcing her to pay attention to me.

As a result, Cha Cha is getting used to having to sit. Here she is passing the time on a sit, but searching for bugs in the grass.

As part of my sit drills -

Cha Cha sits before she goes outside.
Cha Cha sits before she comes inside.
Cha Cha sits before she is allowed to eat dinner (I place the dish 5 yards away, and make her wait until I release her)

Cha Cha and I have this game where I race her downstairs. She almost always beats me know. When we get to my office, I tell her to sit (of course). Well, she has this grooved now. When I make it to the office, she is already sitting on the carpet, awaiting her cookie. In fact, she is pretty cocky about her performance.

All of these silly little games are intended to teach Cha Cha that sitting can be fun.

Because the sit is fundamental to retriever training.


I’ve been trying these same things, as much for good citizenship as for the ‘sit’ factor. Its quite funny though, when I tell my pup to sit she takes a little half step backwards as she does so. It almost looks like a little dance step, a “Cha Cha” perhaps ;)
Chuck Herb (Email) - 18 03 05 - 09:07

what breed of dog is this i have a pup that looks just like him.
bill ratliff (Email) - 15 04 06 - 15:18

A Labrador Retriever
Ted Shih - 15 04 06 - 15:40

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