03 30 05 247 W - + 125 - 121

ADVANTAGES OF BUYING A STARTED OR TITLED DOG I think that there are a number of good reasons to buy a started dog - or even a FC or AFC dog.

First, money. If you are looking for a dog that will consistently finish in the AA stakes, you can go through a ton of $2000 puppies and $500/month training bills before you ever get a dog that fits the bill. It can be a lot cheaper to put down $10,000 to $30,000 for a dog that is in varying degrees of ready to run.

Second, experience. You will never learn to how to win field trials until you learn how to finish field trials. And the best handler cannot finish with a dog that is not up to the task. If you have a good dog, you have the opportunity to be there at the end. That dog will give you an opportunity to refine your handling skills. A lesser dog will not.

Finally, a number of people seem to believe that by buying a dog, a person has lessened his or her accomplishment. Although I have not purchased a started dog, I do not believe this to be the case. The competition in field trials today is so stout, and the role of dog and handler so significant to success, that anyone who brings home the blue in an All Age Stake should be ecstatic, whether or not he bought the dog that helped bring home the bacon.

I can’t disagree with a single thing you said here Ted. Except maybe the price at the top of the heap will probably go higher than the $30,000 you mentioned. Not that I would know, that’s beyond my means.
Howard (Email) - 30 03 05 - 21:59

Okay Ted I’ll give ya the $1500.00 for Zowie instead of the Moots pup…...........(joker)
Polock (Email) - 31 03 05 - 18:44

Ted, that was one of the most coherent commentaries I have read to date re purchasing a ‘made’ dog. Thanks.
3blackdogs (Email) - 01 05 05 - 20:10

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