05 07 05 360 W, 4 I - + 155 - 150

Missouri Valley Open Land/Water and Water Blinds

Double Land/Water Blind. Wind - left to right. Tough blind. Field went from 22 to 15 dogs.

Short blind was planted just short of the duck crates (which had live ducks in them) in a hole. The dogs, who have been trained to skim the flyer crates often had difficulty believing that there was a duck on the point.

The long blind was 290 yards out. The line to the long blind required that you run over the top of the short blind. The long blind had several targets. First, right of the bush before your first water entry. Next into the water, then between gunner and flyer crate. Then into cattails. Then onto second point. Then to the left of the tree. The blind was tight to the left edge of the tree about 20 yards deep, on the bank of the creek. The bird was hard to wind even if you were downwind, and if you cast too soon, you were dropped if you went right of the tree. Depth perception became particularly difficult for the dogs who ran from 7 pm to 7:30 pm, as it was almost impossible to judge where the blind was. Several dogs that overran the blind 50 yards or more, but who were brought in to where they could wind the blind were brought back.

Water Blind - 450 yards. Field went from 15 to 8.

Strong wind blowing from right to left. Dogs must get on both near point and far point (about 400 yards distant). Field dropped from 15 to 8 - all dogs dropped were pickups. Some dogs did not want to get off the first point. Some dogs got into the water, and hooked hard left behind the point, fading with the wind. It was tough slogging to get to the second point. Once on that point, the dogs needed to take another cast into the wind, cross more water and get the bird. The dogs seemed to hear the whistle despite the distance.

whoa,those blinds are getting mean
Bob Swenson - 13 05 05 - 20:58

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